Me, myself & I

Extremely Important Facts About Katie Cotton: 
1. I wear all of my socks inside out except for my spongebob ones, because those deserve to be seen. 
2. I sleep on a window seat: you never know when Mr. Right is going to come tossing rocks at your window.
3. I don't like hot chocolate. I do not like it here or there; I do not like it anywhere! 
4. I love Tina Fey one-fifth as much as my roommate loves her. So that's still a lot, really.
5. I jumped off of a bridge when I was two, but I didn't fall. I didn't fly, either, regrettably. My brother caught me.
6. I wish that I was one of those cool blogger girls, so that's why I am sitting in the freezer typing this.

But seriously guys, I am silly about 64% of the time, and serious 42% of the time (hooray for you if you know that this is the universal answer). I'm bad at math like all the time.* 

*I'm actually pretty good at math.

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