Monday, March 24, 2014

Living on the Edge

Today I had a lot that I needed to get done, but instead, I decided to take my FR (future roommate) up on her offer and go on an adventure. We drove to five different water towers in search of the perfect one to climb. A few didn't have ladders, and the third was right next to a school (in daylight..just no), and the last one was completely in the open and complete with a barbed wire fence-fence topper and a no trespassing sign. So after finally deciding that today wasn't the day we wanted to kick "get arrested" off of our bucket lists, we got back in the car and started heading home.

As I was sitting shotgun, bummed out that our adventure didn't go as planned, Leila saw a gas station with gas for $2.79. We were in shock, until we realized it was abandoned. Hungry for heights, we pulled into the parking lot. It didn't look like there was any way to make it to the roof, but as we walked around the back, we noticed a ladder connected to the top of the roof and hanging in the air. Our supreme fitness skills allowed us to jump up to it and hoist ourselves up to climb. 

We reached the top and found glorious adventures awaiting us (it was actually pretty nasty up there- tbh).

We found a dusty square and a rock: fate was telling us to play tic-tac-toe. However, fate didn't tell me HOW to play, and I lost. This is Leila's victory pose... I think it could use a little improvement, but hey, who am I to judge?

My hips don't lie, and I have no idea what the heck Leila is doing. A duck with a golf club? Who knows.

So basically we just had a dance party up there, until I saw a little boy calling for his mom in a nearby house. She came to the door, and her face didn't look sunshiney about us being up there. Down we went! 

It was quite the adventure.

-Katie Cotton

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