Monday, April 7, 2014

A List of Lists

I'm a huge proponent of list-making. I like making to-do lists even more than I like checking them off (which is really convenient considering I hardly ever actually complete them). But there is so much more to listing than reminding ourselves of menial tasks. Lists can be powerful, people. So I would like to propose a new one to you. I hope that you, whoever you are, take this seriously and try it out.

1. Identify a feeling you relate to.
2. Create list.
3. Enjoy new-found insight.

When You Feel:
1. Sad- Twenty-five Things I Am Grateful for
2. Inadequate- Ten Things I Am Good at
3. Angry- Ten Reasons I Should Love ____(myself, my friend, my parent, etc.)
4. Insecure- Ten Things I Love About Me
5. Hopeless- Ten Reasons I Have to Keep Going (I promise there are a lot more than ten, for everyone)
6. Betrayed- Ten Things I Will Never Do
7. Ashamed- Ten Reasons I Am Enough
8. Disheartened- Ten Good Things
9. Like You Can't Trust- Ten Selfless Things People Have Done For Me
10. Embarrassed- Five Most Embarrassing Moments in My Life (it goes on)

Honestly, I know it probably sounds dumb, but I have seen it help a lot of people. Sometimes we just need to prompt ourselves to remember things that we already know so that we can shift toward a more positive perspective. I believe in optimism, but not in a naive sense. Not everything will go the way it should and be good. Optimism, to me, means no matter how hard any trial or tribulation which befalls me is, no matter how lonely or scared I become, no matter what, I can come out standing up. I can come out stronger and having learned a valuable lesson. If you feel one of those ways in my list, I dare you to take this challenge. I highly doubt you will regret it.

Katie Cotton

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